On a couple of my guitars, the wound strings (usually #3 on the acoustics, and #4 or #5 on the electric) have developed gaps or “separations” above some of the frets. The strings aren’t really all that old (6 months max), and I play every day but usually play a different guitar each day. Any idea what is causing this? Is this an indication that I’m fretting too hard, or ?? Anyone else see this occurring on their guitars?
Thank you.
If you play everyday I’d say 6 months is quite old for strings so is to be expected to some extent. With that said, my guess is maybe you are also pressing too hard – I’ve had string older than this and not had problems but I do remember that used to happen to me many many years ago so it probably is a technique thing.
Thank you Lee. I enjoy rock climbing and as such have a lot of finder strength; I’ll work on dialing that back…