I don’t know if I am correct or wrong about this thing called harmonics but Lee since you haven’t uploaded any information regarding the major harmonics. So is there a concept such as major harmonics or there are only minor harmonics as you’ve provided us with? Please help me out man
I assume you are talking about scales and not just “harmonics”? I’ll quickly mention harmonics just in case 🙂
Harmonics are the higher pitched sound created when lightly touching and then picking / lifting the finger off of a string in certain locations along the fretboard. Very difficult to describe in words so just Youtube guitar harmonics and you will see.
If it’s scales you are talking about …
The minor harmonic scale is quite common. It’s the same as a natural minor but with the b7 raised.
Natural minor: 1, 2, b3, 4, 5, b6, b7
Harmonic minor: 1, 2, b3, 4, 5, b6 7
There is also such a thing as a harmonic major scale but it’s less common. It’s essentially the same as the harmonic minor but with a major third.
Harmonic major: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, b6 7
I personally think it all gets a bit pointless learning all of these scales unless you find a use for them. I may change my mind on that one day, but I haven’t so far. It really depends I guess on the type of music you play and how experimental you want to be.
For the average musician playing rock, pop, blues etc., it would be a very rare occasion that you’d need to worry about exotic scales like this. Making use of these kinds of scales make more sense if you perhaps write a song based around the scale rather than try to fit a scale around a set of chords.
Some musicians will probably disagree with that, and like I say, I might change my mind one day, but I doubt it. Just do wat works best for your own way of thinking. Here’s the thing, there might be many times when I’m playing something in a major key using the major scale. If a particular chord pops up that clashes with the 6th scale degree in the melody or solo, I’ll just avoid that note all together, or I’d flatten it for the duration of that chord.
Some musicians will consider switching scales like this as modulating from major to harmonic major. I think it overcomplicates things. If you know your chord tones, and / or notes to avoid at certain moments, it makes more sense (to me) to think in those terms.
Well thanks for the info man you and your website really are a blessing for the aspiring guitarists like me cheers man:)