Here is a video of Ed Live:
How is he strumming exactly? fingernails on down strums but how is he getting such clean up strokes? I can watch this a billion times in .25 speed and I just can’t figure it out.
It’s hard to tell by looking at the video but I’m fairly sure he’s using the thumb on most of the upstrokes. I do a similar thing sometimes but it’s hard to describe … fingers on downstroke, thumb on upstroke but it’s a kind of all in one movement.
I would say try it by imagining using a pick but take the pick away while keeping the hand in the same kind of position but “pick-less”. Strum like that and you should find with practice that your fingers and thumb kind of wiggle a bit between up and down strokes. In other words imaging the pick falling out of your hand but trying to keep the same hand movement strumming.
Hope that makes some kind of sense?