In the mid 1970’s I was fortunate to see an amazing guitar player perform in concert at the Bangor Auditorium in Maine. While playing a lively shredding of his guitar he slowly walked up a 25-30′ high, three post structure (think teepee without the outside skin) that had very small foot steps attached to one of the posts that he used to make his way to the top of the structure. The solo was great! Then he made his way back down. No railing of any type and no safety harness or any soft landing mats for lost balance. It has been my belief that he must have been straight to accomplish this feat, then again what’s the chances of that, being a Mid 70’s rock band. I have seen many bands over the years, but that topped the showmanship award. Unfortunately, I have forgotten this night other than his performance which has been itched in my memory. For the life of me I can’t remember the guitarists name or his band. Have you seen this guy perform? Can anyone help me to remember who this was?
1970’s Guitarist I.D. Who Had Remarkable Athletic Showmanship.
Walter Trout Answered question August 1, 2021