Welcome to the new Guitar Blog

It seems every website has a Blog these days so maybe it’s time I caught up with the times!

Watch this space! I have no idea exactly what I’ll be writing about but one thing’s for sure, it will be all about guitar learning, tips and whatever general guitar musings I might have that I feel is worth sharing. Sometimes I might just feel the urge to ram an opinion down your throat … but I promise I’ll keep it guitar related. πŸ™‚

There’s a few additions coming to the website very soon – arpeggio diagrams. It’s been a long time coming but hey, I’ve been sidetrackin’ again! Don’t all guitarists do that? πŸ™‚


8 thoughts on “Welcome to the new Guitar Blog”

  1. Hi Lee

    I’ve got a grandson just started learning guitar, so I thought I’d have a rummage around the webosphere to see what help to get him and came across your guitar-chords.org.uk page.

    I must say, I do like the nice clean look of your pages – very well laid out.

    I’m also trying to teach my neighbour’s autistic boy to play the piano and to learn music theory. It’s not easy, but your chord tutor and diagrams will be a big help to him.



    • Thanks John, glad to hear you are getting something out of it and glad you like the design, I just try to make it as easy as possible to look things up. Hopefully I’m achieving that. πŸ™‚

  2. I’m a intermediate guitar-player and I love to fingerpick. I use the chord G7dim a lot (320031) in for example Elvis Presley CANT HELP FALLING in the part LOVE WITH YOU where I play C-G-C first C string 3&6, G 3&5 and last C 2&5. You’ll must hear my problem. Ik like to use my G7dim chord there.

    Same loop is in Beatles LET IT BE in c (C-G-Am-F) where is a ending loop F-C-G-C. Same loop is in Elly en Rikkert song ONZE VADER, ending there with A-A-MEN in C-G-C. To put this right in our ULTIMATE GUITAR system, this chord must be known. Can you please put the G7dim chord in you database??

  3. Hey dude love this website and all the scales WOW awesome, bought your book last night and am reading it on kindle, a year ago I never thought I would or could solo but I’m doing it now to all sorts of backing tracks mainly blues so just wanna thank you.

    • Hi Kim.
      Thanks for the kind words and buying the book. Be sure to keep at it, especially with the backing tracks. I have a bunch more backing tracks I keep meaning to put up on the website, just so busy I still haven’t got round to it. Keep checking back and feel free to pester and remind me πŸ™‚


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