Please Help! I am confused. In the Key of C, the C Dominant 9 Chord scale intervals are 1-3-5-b7-9 and the corresponding notes for that chord line up with the scale intervals, (C- E – G – Bb). wich makes sense, and i understand that that derives from the C Major scale C D E F G A B, with the corresponding numbers to make up the intervals. but when i go to different keys they all have the same intervals (1-3-5-b7-9) but the notes that are in the chord sometimes do not add up with the intervals. (1-3-5-b7-9) for example, in the Key of A, a A Dominant 9 Chord has the exact same interval formula as the other Dominant Chords but the notes for the chord don’t add up to the formula.

1  –  3  – 5  -b7- 9

A – C# – E – G – B

Ex. where there is suppose to be a flat note there is a regular G chord… Does the C# make up for that G chord not being a flat? hmm. would It still be a dominant chord then?

Lee Answered question January 15, 2020